
Marriage Enrichment

married couples having a discussion over a dinner table

Someone to guide you to a stronger marriage

Every marriage faces challenges. What if overcoming them is simpler than you think? Join a Thrive group to find out how much better your marriage can be.

Thrive Groups
This mentor-led group experience will explore the foundational principles to not only have a successful marriage but a marriage of your dreams.

Thrive FAQs

Care Couple on bench

"After 12 years of a good marriage, I can say we learned how to have a great marriage."

"Thrive was just what we needed. It helped us focus on each other and learn more about each other in a few months than we had in years."

happy couple

"All those years of blaming each other and feeling defensive all the time . . .

. . . what a waste. I would do anything to go back in time and put to use what we learned in Thrive in the first year of our marriage. Better late than never!"

Care Couple red shirts

"14 years, 4 kids, 3 counselors and we were ready to call it quits."

"I had already called a lawyer. Eight weeks of Thrive did more for us than a year of counseling.”

Not sure where to start?

Let us know and we can help!