This Month's Articles
Helpful Resources for Parents

UpStreet's Verse Cling
Learn it, Lock it, Live it.
Learn It. Take this verse cling and stick it somewhere your family will see all the time (fridge, bathroom mirror) so you can learn the verse together.
Lock It. Challenge each other to memorize the verse. Say it together with your kid to their small group leader during pickup on UpStreet (any Sunday in February), and your kid will win an UpStreet branded chapstick!
Live It. Honesty helps build trust with the people in our lives, so find opportunities this month to remind your kids of your commitment to always be honest with one another—even when it’s hard, scary, weird, or embarrassing. Remind them that your family tells the truth no matter what.👊
Verse clings are available on UpStreet.

UpStreet's Car Tag
Make time in the car matter.
We know great conversations can happen in the car. So, hang this car tag in your car to help your kids learn how to be brave and tell the truth.
Car tags are available on UpStreet.