Next Steps for the New Year
Intentional reflection leads to purposeful action—this is crucial when it comes to your growth and health! As one year is ending and before we launch into a new one, what if you were to engage in some intentional reflection?
- What are three words you would use to characterize 2024?
- What were the 2–3 top highs and lows of this past year?
- Did you experience any unexpected surprises (good or bad)? How did that impact you?
- How would you rate yourself in your various roles in life? (spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend, boss, employee, etc.)
- Did any of your most significant relationships improve? Deteriorate? What were the primary reasons for the change?
- What are you most proud of in 2024? Is there anything you wish you could change or do over?
- What was the most important thing you learned during the year about yourself? Life? Faith? Leadership?
- Where did you see God at work most clearly in your life this past year?
- Who are the 5–7 most important people in your life? Write down one thing you can do in 2025 to improve your relationship with each of them.
- What relationships need reconciliation? Who do you need to forgive? Who do you need to ask for forgiveness?
- What are you most excited about as you look to this next year? What are you most concerned about or dreading?
- What do you desire more of this next year? What do you desire less of?
- What attitudes, attributes, or qualities do you want to improve this next year?
- What behaviors, habits, or disciplines do you want to improve in the coming year?
- Who is someone who could help you in your desired areas of improvement? Who could you help reach what they desire?
- Is there anything you are hiding from others? Yourself? Any emotions you are trying to avoid feeling?
- Who is your closest friend? Do you spend enough time together? What don’t they know about you that you need someone to know?
- What can you do to grow closer to Jesus this next year? What spiritual disciplines could be helpful?
- Who or what will you pray BIG prayers for this next year?
- What are 3–5 things you hope to be celebrating this time next year?
- If you knew that next year would be your final year alive, how would you reprioritize the 168 hours you have in a typical week?