InsideOut Baptism
What's the next step?

Publicly sharing your faith in Jesus.
As strange as this may sound, it’s an awesome thing when a student recognizes that he or she is a sinner and is in need of a Savior.
God loves us so much that he gave us the gift of Jesus Christ as a Savior from our sins. When students make this connection—and believe in Jesus Christ—they become a part of God’s family. There’s nothing better than that!
The next step is not only one of obedience to Christ, but also one of incredible celebration. It’s called baptism. Just as a nametag lets everyone know your name, baptism identifies you as a Christian. It’s a public way to show people that you follow Jesus.
If you’re ready to take that step, congratulations! That’s awesome! The first thing you’ll do is talk to your small group leaders. They will gladly walk with you through this experience. Then you’ll click on the link below, and it will explain the baptism process and take you to the Adult Baptism Registration form.
Your baptism will take place during the main Sunday morning service or during InsideOut. It’s a chance for your friends and family to cheer you on as you honor what Christ has done in your life. Trust us—you’ll be glad you did it!