Time With God

Establishing a Habit of Connecting with God

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Holly Goddard Make Time with God a Habit

Do you wish you could hear from God?

In our relationships with other people, we grow by being present and listening to each other. The same is true for our relationship with God.

God desires a close relationship with each one of us.

But we must choose to make time for him and to quiet the world around us to hear from him.

We want to help you create a habit of spending consistent time with God.

We’ve provided a short video with tips on connecting with God. We’ve also provided a way to access reading plans to get you started.

Explore Plans

Bible for Grown-Ups

The Bible for Grown-Ups

5-Day Reading Plan

Many of us know some Bible stories, but very few of us know the story of the Bible. Do you know how the Bible came to be? Knowing the story of the Bible is as important as knowing what’s in the Bible because if you don’t know it, it’s easy to discount or dismiss the stories in the Bible. In this 5-day reading plan, Andy explores the story of how we got the Bible and how it sheds light and gives us insight into the stories in the Bible.

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five things god uses to grow your faith a six day reading plan on how god grows faith

Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith

6-Day Reading Plan

Your faith in God matters to God. And he’s committed to growing it. Big. Imagine how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was in all of it and was planning to leverage it for good. In this reading plan, Andy Stanley builds a biblical case for five things God uses to grow BIG faith.

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better a four day reading plan on living a better life


4-Day Reading Plan

Whether you are starting a new year, or you just want to make a change, these principles will help you have a better year than the last. Learn how to let go of what is hindering you and allow God to lead you to a better life.

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When, God?

When, God?

7-Day Reading Plan

Have you ever felt like God was inattentive, uncooperative, or late? In this 7-day reading plan, Andy Stanley shares stories from the New Testament about three different men who felt that God was not responding in their time of need. These stories teach us that we can walk through difficult times and know that God is still with us—he isn’t inattentive, he isn’t uncooperative, and he is never, ever late.


Why Worry?

Why Worry?

6-Day Reading Plan

Most of us are worried about something. And many of us are more worried now than we’ve ever been. But worry has been around as long as there have been people. Two thousand years ago, there was so much worry that Jesus addressed it, and he gave us the definitive solution. In this 6–day plan, Andy Stanley looks at what the Bible has to teach us about worry.

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Free by Andy Stanley

6-Day Reading Plan

We all want to do what’s right and avoid doing what’s wrong, but sometimes we end up doing what we don’t want to do. In this 6-day plan, Andy Stanley explores what the apostle Paul wrote about God’s grace and Jesus’s power over sin in our lives.

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Unconvinced: Exploring Faith As A Skeptic

7-Day Reading Plan

If you’re skeptical of the Old Testament stories that sound like fairy tales or are stuck on the rules that come with being religious, here’s some good news: following Jesus requires faith, but not faith in a book, a list or rules, or even a particular religious system. This plan presents a starting point for faith that may finally be something—or more specifically someone—you can believe in.

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building stronger marriages a nine day reading plan on gods design for a loving lasting thriving marriage

Building Stronger Marriages

9-Day Reading Plan

Marriage is what you make it—for richer or for poorer, for God has a design for a loving, lasting, thriving marriage. No matter what you’ve been through, it’s still possible to be and to stay in love.

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Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come

15-Day Reading Plan

We’ve heard that Jesus offers “life to the full” and we crave that experience. We want that life that’s on the other side of change. But what kind of change do we need? And just how do we go about the process of changing? In Kingdom Come you'll explore a new way to live the upside-down and inside-out life that God invites us into.

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You're Not the Boss of Me

You're Not the Boss of Me

7-Day Reading Plan

We all have emotions that compete for control of our lives. And those emotions can get us in trouble when we let them be the boss of us. In this 7-day reading plan, Andy Stanley shares a scriptural “how-to” about saying no to destructive emotions. We need to monitor our hearts—not just our behavior—to prevent emotions like guilt, envy, fear, and anger from bossing us around.


come near a six day reading plan on hearing god

Come Near

6-Day Reading Plan

Do you wish you could hear directly from God? Have you ever struggled to see God at work in your life? God invites us to be near him, because the closer we get to God, the more clearly we can see him. In this 6-day reading plan, North Point Community Church staff members provide a pathway to draw near to God.


To Access Reading Plans Through the Bible App:

  1. Download The Bible App, available for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire.
  2. Under Plans, search “North Point Community Church” and select a reading plan to get started.