Sunday Discussion Questions
Consider and Discuss
The Power of a Made-Up Story
1. What is one of your favorite books or movies? What theme in the storyline are you most drawn to?
2. In the story of the lost son, which one of the brothers do you most relate to, and why?
3. Joel challenges us to consider both brothers as "lost." What are your thoughts on that perspective?
4. When have you witnessed something God would celebrate, and you weren't able to?
5. In what area of your life could God be challenging you to join the "search party" (e.g., your workplace, neighborhood, moms' group)? What step could you take?
The Responsibles, Week 4 | September 1, 2024
1. Rhetorical: Do you have a morning routine designed to prepare your physical appearance for the day ahead?
2. Do you have a morning routine designed to prepare your heart for the day ahead?
A verse to consider: Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
The Responsibles, Week 3 | August 25, 2024
1. Did your parents plan responsibly for their future?
2. Are you planning responsibly for yours? Relationally? Financially? Physically?
3. Do you have an up-to-date will?
The Responsibles, Week 2 | August 18, 2024
1. Were you raised to believe that God forgets a sin once we confess a sin? If so, did that serve as a deterrent against or justification for repeat behavior?
2. Has anyone ever come back to you to acknowledge a mess they left you with?
3. Is your past irresponsibility currently someone’s responsibility? What do you need to do? What’s holding you back?
The Responsibles, Week 1 | August 11, 2024
1. Has someone’s irresponsibility ever become your irresponsibility? What is your relationship like with that person now?
2. Has your past irresponsibility ever become someone else’s responsibility?
3. Are you currently engaged in something or neglecting something that will in all likelihood leave behind a mess for someone else to clean up?
Unmistakable, Unshakabale | August 4, 2024
Five Faith Catalysts
1. Personal Ministry
2. Practical Teaching
3. Private Spiritual Disciplines
4. Providential Relationships
5. Pivotal Circumstances
1. What was your biggest hesitancy to being part of a small group?
2. Which of the Five Faith Catalysts is the hardest for you to incorporate into your life? Which is the easiest?
3. In the past year, which of the last three Faith Catalysts have made the biggest impact on your faith?
4. What is one step you could take to engage more in one of the Faith Catalysts? How can your small group help you in this area?
Games We Play, Week 4 | July 28, 2024
1. What kind of conversations do you find yourself avoiding most?
2. Why is confrontation often necessary for reconciliation?
3. Reflect on Jesus’s responses to Judas and Peter. How is Jesus both loving and confrontational? How does Jesus manage conflict while still valuing relationships?
4. What would it look like for you to move forward with a confrontation prayerfully, gracefully, and lovingly?
Games We Play, Week 3 | July 21, 2024
1. In what area of your life do you most commonly find yourself playing the delay game? Why do you think this might be?
2. Where have you stayed too long? What would it look like for you to break camp?
3. What do you think could be on the other side of your obedience to trust God and go where He is leading you?
4. The delay game often begins with the words “one day when”. What is a step you feel like you need to take, but you are waiting for “one day when”? Who could support you as you take this step?
Games We Play, Week 2 | July 14, 2024
1. Where have you seen a leader fall into the trap of the blame game by choosing to assign responsibility rather than assume responsibility?
2. We often take on a role when playing the blame game: the role of judge (taking a position of moral authority) or the role of the victim (opening the door to complain). Which role do you tend to take on?
3. Joel talks about the difficulty of assuming responsibility for something that isn't our fault. Why do you think it's important to still take responsibility?
4. What area in your world would you most like to see change?
5. We combat the blame game by building our capacity to take responsibility. What is one practical way you can start to do that in a current relationship or situation in your life?
Games We Play, Week 1 | July 7, 2024
1. What negative relationship games did your family of origin play? Blame? Shame? Comparison? Something else?
2. Did you carry any of that forward into your adult life?
3. Identify one relationship where the Honor Game is difficult to play. Now, identify your first move.